Thursday, 22 November 2007

Magic Bunny:What a bunch of sad wankers

This so called magic forum is like something out of the 1950's. With admin ranging from spotty faced, stuck up, little prats with Victorian ethics to drunken, alcoholic, pizza salesmen masquerading as librarians. Mind you, the forum is down more often than a whore's drawers so we don't have to put up with it for too long at a time.

So much for a secret magic library there; the thing is in such a fucking state, we've seen better organised magic libraries in the kiddies' section of Walmart. Those responsible are probably too busy spanking their monkeys in response to the latest minor exposure scandal. The mere thought of Penn and Teller mentioning a thumb tip on a chat show is enough to make them go apoplectic with anger and stick their winkles up the nearest rectum just to cope with the stress of it all.

We notice SOMF stalwarts Valentina and Jason have been putting a few valid points across there recently. However, with typical Bunny members apparently sharing their IQs with that of the average stick insect, any cogent responses are somewhat lacking. Oh well, at least they can munch on their carrots, until they wake up to realise the start of the new millennium passed some time ago.

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